Last update: 25/02/2021

Professor at UFBA Department of Mathematics

Research group: DGMP (see also the CNPQ-certified page )

Curriculum vitae: Lattes-CV


Professional address

Departamento de Matemática - Instituto de Matemática - Universidade Federal da Bahia - Campus de Ondina, Av. Adhemar de Barros, S/N, Ondina - CEP: 40.170.110 - Salvador/BA

Room: XXX


Fields of interest:



  1. ALEXANDRINO, Marcos M.; ALVES, Benigno; JAVALOYES, Miguel Angel. On equifocal Finsler submanifolds and analytic maps. arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.01257, 2021.

Published Works

  1. ALEXANDRINO, Marcos M.; ALVES, Benigno O.; JAVALOYES, Miguel Angel. On singular Finsler foliation. Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata (1923-), 2019, vol. 198, no 1, p. 205-226.

  2. ALEXANDRINO, Marcos M.; ALVES, Benigno O.; DEHKORDI, Hengameh R. On Finsler transnormal functions. Differential Geometry and its Applications, 2019, vol. 65, p. 93-107.

  3. ALVES, Benigno; JAVALOYES, Miguel. A note on the existence of tubular neighbourhoods on Finsler manifolds and minimization of orthogonal geodesics to a submanifold. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 2019, vol. 147, no 1, p. 369-376.